Monday 2 February 2015

Girl and the rabbit

I think today realised the importance to believe in yourself and your ability when I created this little girl and her rabbit. 

She is cute and beautiful and she is holding this rubbit so he can protect her and at same time make noticeable. 

I have realised that my art tells my story more. I don't think I never drew without a message inside of my art. I always wanted to say something. I can now. 

I draw because I love to create, but I also draw for attention and reaction, I want to know what people feel when they see that image...are they happy? Are they sad? Do they recognise my signature in it? 

I can because I can even recognise the way my lines shaped in left hand worked hard on them lol I can recognise it because this image sat in my head after being inspired by work of a few other very talented illustrators which I follow online. 

Artist or illustrator no matter who you are and no matter how but your work comes from your knowledge and what you see around you. 

You should stop caring about other people opinion and just believe in your talent, let it come out, let it be you. Let it out, don't be scared, get inspired! 

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