Friday 28 March 2014


I drew myself...

I drew a child within me...

Child which I want to keep inside me forever and never ever loose it....

I love being childish 

I love being free of age...

I love being me :) 

Friday 21 March 2014


It just funny, because everyone consider me to be cat person and I actually love dogs too. I am practicing to draw Labrador and this is one of my sketches. I need to draw more and more, but I though to share this cutie with you! :)

Thursday 20 March 2014

Don't be perfect be yourself

I don't actually want to be perfectionist, I just want to be me. I want be myself and be happy with who I am. 

I am now in this stage in my life where I realise that you should be happy where you are no matter what you do and what you have not done yet. You should be happy with what you have this minute and be pleased for it. 

I am now in that stage where I don't care what other people think of me, because no one is perfect to judge me and I am not perfect to judge them either. 

If you want to change or want a change in your life then do it, don't brag about or or if you are happy where you are, just be happy and ignore what some people may say. People will try to put you down in your life because they feel that you may be stronger, strong people never try to put down others. Strong people will be just strong and constantly think positively no matter what. Strong people will be happy at this moment in their life and won't regret anything. I want to be strong and I think I am strong. 

Tomorrow I am gonna draw because it makes me so happy that nothing does. I will play with colours and feel strong. I will feel hyper, happy and complete! 

I think we should enjoy time where it is just us and our thoughts. We should treasure that time. For me it is the time when I can create and be part of creative world which I totally in love with!!!   

Detailed details

I hope one day soon I will be able to draw like this. This is stunning and so realistic. I could not believe it was actually drawn with coloured pencils! I just could not believe how detailed and precise this drawing is. 

Good thing is that if I found close up version I can actually see which technique he uses to achieve this affect but seriously I think it's pretty amazing. 

Gonna do more research soon on this type of art work as I need inspiration! It is very inspiring to see other people work to such perfection! :) 

Tuesday 11 March 2014


So I am sat at work completely bored and those people just came into my mind and I thought...I should draw them...

I guess I drew them because I thought of them. I speak to so many people on phone especially females and somehow I imagine them to be like this. They just pop into my mind and then go with end of the call. Some of them come back but some of them I will proablably never hear again...same like in real life...we meet people on street, talk to them, but never ever meet them again..

So here it is my new doodle drawing...:) I share it with you. 

Monday 10 March 2014

Elephant and mouse

Recently I have been thinking of idea for some kind of short story about elephant and mouse. 

They both grey and they have one thing in common. One is very big size and another one is very small size. It proablyl didn't sound English at all right now, but who cares, I am 

Anyways I am thinking of story where two completely different animals get on because they always get picked is too big and another is too small....
They are very different but yet they are very similar...

We have a saying in Russia when you can creat big problem out of practically making elephant out of I need to come up with connection! 

Working on it now :) may ask people about for extra ideas! 

Friday 7 March 2014

I love this little man!

This creature makes me most proud cat owner ever! 

Thank you Rio for your existence! 

You make my life fluffy and special! 

You you are indeed my little cat hero! 

I love you! 

Say no to wars

I say no to wars! 

I say no to manuplative politicians and government games! 

We were placed in the world to love and care for each other. 

So please say no to wars! 

Please say yes to love! 

Please say yes to friendship! 

Please say yes to freedom! 

Thursday 6 March 2014

Happy Woman's day!

So all I can say it's 8th of March and happy woman's day to me Yulia :) 

May all my dreams will come true! May I draw forever and ever and may my friends and family will be happy and in good health!! Or and may my cats stinky breath will go away!!! :) love you Rio really!!! 

Woman can do everything because we are smart and beautiful!!! 

Lines that make me happy

It feels like I can't stop smiling and I have constant green on my face! I draw and I love my lines! I love how easy is to draw and play with media! 

I am inspired but this time I am being inspired by my own work and this is magical! Seriously I am getting inspired by my own creations! I can't stop drawing, it's like a drug! Please don't take it away from me. Please let me enjoy it for more and more days! 

All I need is lovely music, candelas, cat Rio and I will create now! No more excursus! Just work because I can and I know it in my heart! 

Thanks to all of those people who believe in me because you give me disere to create more!!! 


I was messing about with media and discovered that black pen works magical with pastels!!!! Totally love the effect and had soooo much fun doing it!!! 

I love Safari!!!! I hope one day I will visit you!!!!

I am slowly turning into carrot :)

I have realised that recently I have been eating so much carrots that my skins tone actually become slightly orange....

No it's not like cheap orange it's kind of nice and healthy colour. So I feel like am slowely turning into carrot! 

So yesterday at work at my desk while I was chatting away to my customers I drew this little creature, well my idea of me and I kind of liked it. It's creepy I know but I like it because it can't be normal :) 

So now, I can visually see what I will turn into if I carry own eat so much carrots....I wonder if you eat loads of beetroot do you turn purple? Lol Shall it be my next project? :) 

Creative mess

I totally love this mess! You just want to stuck in and draw all night! This is my goal now draw as much as I can during week and practice my skills! Learn more about myself through my art. I love art! When I draw I live!!!! 

Monday 3 March 2014

We will prey for media to be destroyed

So I was having a totally lovely morning till I found metro newspaper...

Through all morning I hated being Russian and I wanted for Putin to be erased from this planet Earth...

Then I have posted a few things on Facebook and opened a big debate in regards to who is right and wrong. I didn't actually say that anyone was to be fair. Although I did realise that biggest puppets in all this conspiracy were general public, including myself. Media controls it all. Media tell is there to control our minds and opinios. I always knew this   and that is why by mid day I was not as worried any longer as I knew that so far I am only getting wind up by something that is totally out of my control. I have realised that in this situation people they must avoid TV and media. Media will do everything to make this situation worse. Media is there to create animosity between people as they are being controled by government. 

We are never there and we never know who has stake in it and who is getting what out of these kind of controversial situations. I think we will never know unless we work for government, so far, I think I should just carry on being happy and be proud to be who I am :) media can't control myself as a person and I am happy about it :) I can still live, love. Think and feel :) 

Sunday 2 March 2014

Music that makes me want to fly...

This is just so beautiful. This music makes me want to fly...achieve unachivable things, cross planets and most importantly it makes me happy and free! 

Amazing tune, check it out if you want to get inspired! :)