Thursday 20 March 2014

Don't be perfect be yourself

I don't actually want to be perfectionist, I just want to be me. I want be myself and be happy with who I am. 

I am now in this stage in my life where I realise that you should be happy where you are no matter what you do and what you have not done yet. You should be happy with what you have this minute and be pleased for it. 

I am now in that stage where I don't care what other people think of me, because no one is perfect to judge me and I am not perfect to judge them either. 

If you want to change or want a change in your life then do it, don't brag about or or if you are happy where you are, just be happy and ignore what some people may say. People will try to put you down in your life because they feel that you may be stronger, strong people never try to put down others. Strong people will be just strong and constantly think positively no matter what. Strong people will be happy at this moment in their life and won't regret anything. I want to be strong and I think I am strong. 

Tomorrow I am gonna draw because it makes me so happy that nothing does. I will play with colours and feel strong. I will feel hyper, happy and complete! 

I think we should enjoy time where it is just us and our thoughts. We should treasure that time. For me it is the time when I can create and be part of creative world which I totally in love with!!!   

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