Thursday 28 August 2014

New friend!

Life is brilliant when you meet new people but it is even better when those people stick around to share your life with you! 

I am very happy now as I have met this lovely and adorable girl! She is very open and honest person! Hard to meet people like this these days! 

I consider myself very lucky! 

So if you are feeling lonely, don't be right people will find you or you will find them sooner or later! Life is good like this. 

I know someone will read this and think that at the start we all having honeymoon period and it will go away at the end. Yes I agree things may change in a year, but friendships like any relationships, they require work and compromising. We are all in love with each other and we can still be in love with each other if we work on it. 

All you need is to give without expecting anything back and be there for your friends when they need you the most. Don't play games. Don't mess about with their feelings. Listen to their needs and never be selfish or at least try to listen to yourself and what you are saying to them :) 

Well all can be good friends, but can we be real friends who prepared to open their heart to each other and really invite someone in?! 

Fake friendships won't last long. Time will show eventually who those people are. 

I believe the most important is to always listen to your heart. Your heart will tell you who is honest with you and who is not. 

Good luck with your old and new friendships guys! Hard work is really rewarding! So love your friends as you chose them to be your friends! :) 

Sunday 24 August 2014

Change the world.

Each of us was born with a purpose. Each of us is good at something. We all have dreams and we must follow them. If we see the opportunity use it and make it work. Each of us is brave enough to become someone big and do exactly what we love. Make money but from something we love. Make money but get them from making other people happy. 

My new idea is not crazy. It is idea that has been on my mind for a long time. I want to create cute things, I want to give them character and sell them to children. Watching recent news events I have realised that when I was small world was full of cute little animals that protected me from my nightmares. I knew they would save me. This was the only thing I was scared of. I never had to be scared of being bombed, running low on food and constantly running away. I never had to understand any of that as I had my childhood and as a child I had a right on save and happy life. 

However today we have wars in the world that scary and ugly. Those wars destroys not only childhood that scars kids for life. They remove all run and place it with fears and ugliness. We have to remember that every child that being born in this world has perfect right to their save and happy childhood. No matter what race or nationality that child is. Every child have a right to be happy and to feel save in their own town or city. Unfortunately wars take away this from children and they destroy every child's right. 

I always wanted to do something good. Right now I want to create a toy that can make every child feel secure and save no matter where they are. I know it is only the toy and I can't save the world from wars, it is not in my hands. However what I can do is to give children a hope by creating that toy. 

It is decided this is gonna be my new project and I am gonna work on it damn hard as I wan for it to come true. 

Tomorrow is day one. 

Friday 22 August 2014

Changes are good for you!

Maybe with not a-very-perfect-background on this selfie of mine, I will still say this girl is happy! One year I was devastated and sad. One year ago I was broken and thought that all my dreams were shattered. This was one year ago. In one year I transformed in fearless and happiest person. I have met people who helped me, made me laugh and were there for me when I needed them! One year ago I did not think that today I will be this positive and happy. So I will say changes are good, we need them and I hope your change won't be as dramatic ,but without changes we are stuck in rutine and life becomes one boring set of scene and forget who we really are. We just have to remember that out of something bad there is always gonna come out something good. It did for me and I am sure it would be for any of you too who is having hard times now. 

Today I am thinking to myself what was it exactly I was crying about a year ago, because whatever it was it did not worth it. We fall in love and fall out of love. We can love again and again and again. Human nature is to servive remember and we will always move on! No one will ever love someone so much that they will love them forever epacially if there is no need in it. For those who thinks that someone is not over them or someone is still in love with them after many years, please snap out of it. We all selfish and strong, we all will stop loving someone who hurt us, we will all move on and be happy again! :) So if you are not over someone yet, maybe this won't help you right now, as only time heels such things, but I have surprise for you - you will be very happy again and you will love again! I am :) 

I don't want to jinx anything and say something silly! All I can say I am happy I am in love again and my heart is pumping big time every time that boy next to me! 

Things will change and you will change. What will change now though is that you won't just love that person blindly you will love yourself as well and you will always consider how you feel and you will know now what is exactly better for you in love or in life in general! 

So I will say if life gives you lemons, soon you will be able to drink plenty of lovely and refreshing lemonade! For your health! Cheers! :) 

A present.

What can you present to a lovely person you know? I have decided to make this capcake and although it is small and possibly not perfect I still think it can add sweetness in their life! So for a birthday I choose something sweet! Also doing this I got massively addicted to sparkles and shine! So I am really excited to make another one for my mum's kitchen! I hope she will like it :)