Friday 28 February 2014


Catfish and my opinion...

I think it exist to certain extend. However I feel that you will know if that person on the other end were fake. They will lie to be something they are not. They will pretend to be something they are not. They will fake it till they can make it. Although you will know after first conversation if they real or not. You will know if they capable of holding normal concentration. You will know if they hiding something because you will just feel it.

I know I can trust my instincts. Yes Internet can be dangerouse but it only dangerouse when we can not control it. We can see if that person real or not. 

I don't think it matters where you meet people from Internet or real world.  I think both worlds are equally dangerouse to be fair. 

Call me naive or hopeless romantic but I believe it's possible to meet person in both worlds and be equally happy with them. It dosent really matter :) 

No catfish did not put me off :) so I decided to drew one and I think it looks kind of cute :) 

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Drawing is my happy drug!

Learning to draw again...and again and again!!! Little rubbits...forest and trees!!! Recently I am obsessed with trees! Not sure why....but somehow I love it! 

Draw! Draw! Draw! Draw! 

Thursday 20 February 2014


I love drawing wood...
I feel relaxed and seeing how one line goes into another makes me want to smile. Sometimes I forget that drawing can be so much fun! It really does makes me happy! 

In cat world

Tonight I am in the cat world...
Tonight I let myself be a big child again...paper, pencil, charcoal and many more other creative media around me. I feel happy and complete when my art is around me. I am in my own world and I am happy here. Music is playing and I can feel very inspired. I feel like I can stay in this time now forever. I don't want for this to end...ever! 


   Friends. How do we know when they for life? 
   We don't know. I guess we know in our heart who is and who is not. People come and people go. 
   However I am thankfull for today and that I have great people in my life. Friends I have to admit my 
   life with you would be dull and grey. Thanks for loving me and taking me just the way I am. 

   Thanks friends. 

Thursday 13 February 2014

I think I am datable :)

Some people say that I am too open about my feelings on Internet. Good. I like it that way. 

So am I datable or not? So I thought to ask people around, do they think I am datable or not? 

Sometimes we want to know what makes other people to be attracted to us? 

Is it our style of clothing, our inner world, our way of looking at things...what exactly is it? 

When do we know we are success? Do we have to be success? What exactly makes me different from others? 

Am I stronger or smarter? Am I prettier then others? Am I weird? Do I stand out? 

Never ending questions. However I would love to know what exactly I need to have to be datable?! Do I have to speak 5 different languages, work in top profession, cook like a pro and dress like a designer? What makes me to be desired by opposite sex? 

Do I have to be all of those above to be desired? Really??? Somehow I think no. Somehow I believe that it really is not just about what you do and what you have achieved, it is about you and only you. If you are happy with who you are right now, people will see it and will love you for who you are. Yes I agree we need to develop and challenge ourselves, but only for ourself. We need to be happy for us, within us, but not for others. We don't need to be challenged by anyone, only our inner voice. We don't owe anything to anyone, but us. 

So my final line will be. We are datable when we are completely happy within us and want to share our happiness with the  world. I am hopeless romantic and you know what I totally love it! 

All by myself

So tomorrow the day that all single people hate and all couples love right? 

Do we really need this one day to tell someone that we love then or should we do this on daily basis? 

Do we really need only one day to care about someone and surprise them? Seriously...this is kind of strange, don't you think? 

So somehow I don't feel that I miss out on something...right? :)

Thursday 6 February 2014

I am Datable

So five....we meet people all the time and we connect with people all the time...

My name is Yulia...I am 27 and I consider myself to be outgoing and friendly girl....I creative, but ultra lazy or shall I just say easily distracted by life around me...I am daydreamer and big one...

What do you say on your 1st date? What questions you ask them or you want them to ask you? Can you be open with them and be yourself or shall you dress to impress? What is wrong to do and what is wright to do? 

Don't you ever get bored of people when people turn into just don't care anymore. Numbers game can be fun, but only for a short while...after everyone just looks and talks same, don't you agree? 

So you dress to impress, talk to connect and eventually after date number fifty something you just don't care anymore and want to just stay single forever...

So question here shall we date or not? 

For now...well...datable